Student Amplifier 2 Years

Prepare for your career with the OT Amplifier Collective!

Are you an occupational therapy student eager to unlock your full potential as a practitioner? Are you looking forward to that first paycheck as an OT/ OTA? OF COURSE YOU ARE!

With the Amplify OT Membership, you’ll learn how we get paid for our services, have access to reliable and understandable resources, and feel confident entering the workforce.

Say no to guessing and misinformation – say yes to being:

  • ✔️ Prepared for fieldwork,
  • ✔️ Open to opportunities
  • ✔️ Empowered in your value as an OT/OTA!

Here’s what others like you had to say about Amplify OT:

“I’m on my last fieldwork now, but I feel ahead of the ball having this foundational knowledge to help me discharge plan and confidently document!” – Olivia M., OT Student at Temple

“[Amplify OT] helped me be a more critical consumer and broadened my awareness of issues within OT. It helps me stay up to date with OT Policy.” – Katie M., OT Student

“The Amplify OT Membership gave me a RELIABLE platform to ask policy and reimbursement questions rather than getting misinformation through Facebook groups.”- Taylor K., New Grad OT in SNF